Posts tagged wealth building
The Next Millionaire Next Door

Some of you may remember the book by Thomas Stanley and William Danko called “The Millionaire Next Door”. It was released in 1996 and quickly became a New York Times Bestseller. I was newly married at the time and already had a strong interest in personal finance topics thanks to my dad. I read the book and it had a big impact on my life. And if you liked the book back then, I've got great news! They just released the next iteration of the book, called The Next Millionaire Next Door.

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Six Critical Financial Moves for Young Families

If you are part of a family with young kids, I bet your life is crazy busy. I get it. But in between carpooling, sports practices, daycare, sick kids, demanding jobs, and everything else, there are six critical steps you need to make sure you have taken care of to put your family on a path to financial success.

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